Christmas Edition How To Keep Safe This Festive Season

  1. Do not drive when you have been drinking. Have a
    designated driver or call a taxi when you know that you will
    be consuming alcohol.
  2. When driving up to your house, never park in your
    driveway facing the gate. Hijackers may park behind you
    and block you in. Always stop in the road until the gate is
    open before you turn into your driveway.
  3. Always travel with windows and doors locked and with
    valuables out of sight. If windows have to be open, ensure
    the opening isn’t big enough to fit a hand through.
  4. Always leave enough room between your car and the one
    in front of you to avoid being ‘boxed in’ should you need to
  5. Be aware of anyone who approaches your car
    at traffic lights, stop signs or your driveway. Don’t
    be distracted.
  6. Be aware of suspicious looking people,
    including women, at traffic lights and
  7. Do not drive directly home after you visited a
    bank or a place where you received money and
    or a parcel. Be alert as to who is around you
    when leaving and also along the journey to your
  8. Always park your vehicle at a secure location
    and if there is security guard ask for his name.
    Park your car in areas visible to CCTV cameras
    where possible. Make sure that your vehicle is
    properly locked by testing the door handle(s).
  9. Try to avoid stopping on the highway; rather
    take the next off ramp to stop in a more public
    area where you can stretch, refresh yourself
    and/or take a break from driving. Always keep
    the following numbers in case of emergencies
    : Police 995; Ambulance 994; Fire – 993 on
    Mobile phones call112.
  10. In case of an accident, take a picture with a
    camera or mobile phone and file an accident
    report with the police.You will need a case
    number for ZIB to file your claim with the insurer.
    Remember to get names, addresses, telephone
    numbers and ID numbers of everyone involved
    in the accident.

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